1. A History of Architectural Conservation_Jukka Jokilehto
2. Adaptive Reuse_Department of The Environment and Heritage Australia
3. Articles_Designing for Future Building Adaptive Reuse Using adaptSTAR
4. Articles_Does Adaptive Reuse Pay
5. Articles_Pilot Survey on the Conservation of Historic Buildings
6. Articles_Principles of Preservation
7. Articles_The Sustainability Implications of Building Adaptive Reuse
8. Climate Change and the Historic Environment_English Heritage
9. Conservation Management Plan for Historic City of Melaka_UNESCO/MBMB
10. Conservation Plan for Historic Places_Heritage Lottery Fund
11. Conservation Policies and Guidance_English Heritage
12. Conservation Principles Policies and Guidance_English Heritage
13. Conservation Principles_Wales
14. Flooding and Historic Buildings 2nd ed_English Heritage
15. Flooding and Historic Buildings_English Heritage
16. Garis Panduan Pemuliharaan Bangunan Warisan_Jabatan Warisan Negara
17. Guidance on the Management of Conservation Areas_English Heritage
18. Hoi An Protocol for Best Conservation Practice in Asia_UNESCO
19. International Principles of Preservation_ Michael Petzet/ICOMOS
20. Managing Local Authority Heritage Assets_English Heritage
21. Planning and the Historic Environment_PPG15
22. Planning for the Historic Environment PPS5_Practice Guide_English Heritage
23. Principles of Conservation Practice_Engineering the Past to Meet the Needs of the Future_1
24. Principles of Conservation Practice_Engineering the Past to Meet the Needs of the Future_5
25. The Burra Charter 1999_ICOMOS
26. The Setting of Heritage Assets_English Heritage
27. The Venice Charter 1964_ICOMOS_English Language
28. The Venice Charter 1964_ICOMOS_Indonesia Language
29. Understanding Historic Buildings_English Heritage
30. Guidelines for Conservation Areas and Heritage Buildings by the Municipal Council of Penang MPPP
31. International Charters for Conservation and Restoration 1998_ICOMOS
32. National Heritage Act 2005 (Act 645)
33. Akta Warisan Kebangsaan 2005 (Akta 645)
34. Conservation Plan, 7th Edition by James Sample Kerr_ICOMOS
2. Adaptive Reuse_Department of The Environment and Heritage Australia
3. Articles_Designing for Future Building Adaptive Reuse Using adaptSTAR
4. Articles_Does Adaptive Reuse Pay
5. Articles_Pilot Survey on the Conservation of Historic Buildings
6. Articles_Principles of Preservation
7. Articles_The Sustainability Implications of Building Adaptive Reuse
8. Climate Change and the Historic Environment_English Heritage
9. Conservation Management Plan for Historic City of Melaka_UNESCO/MBMB
10. Conservation Plan for Historic Places_Heritage Lottery Fund
11. Conservation Policies and Guidance_English Heritage
12. Conservation Principles Policies and Guidance_English Heritage
13. Conservation Principles_Wales
14. Flooding and Historic Buildings 2nd ed_English Heritage
15. Flooding and Historic Buildings_English Heritage
16. Garis Panduan Pemuliharaan Bangunan Warisan_Jabatan Warisan Negara
17. Guidance on the Management of Conservation Areas_English Heritage
18. Hoi An Protocol for Best Conservation Practice in Asia_UNESCO
19. International Principles of Preservation_ Michael Petzet/ICOMOS
20. Managing Local Authority Heritage Assets_English Heritage
21. Planning and the Historic Environment_PPG15
22. Planning for the Historic Environment PPS5_Practice Guide_English Heritage
23. Principles of Conservation Practice_Engineering the Past to Meet the Needs of the Future_1
24. Principles of Conservation Practice_Engineering the Past to Meet the Needs of the Future_5
25. The Burra Charter 1999_ICOMOS
26. The Setting of Heritage Assets_English Heritage
27. The Venice Charter 1964_ICOMOS_English Language
28. The Venice Charter 1964_ICOMOS_Indonesia Language
29. Understanding Historic Buildings_English Heritage
30. Guidelines for Conservation Areas and Heritage Buildings by the Municipal Council of Penang MPPP
31. International Charters for Conservation and Restoration 1998_ICOMOS
32. National Heritage Act 2005 (Act 645)
33. Akta Warisan Kebangsaan 2005 (Akta 645)
34. Conservation Plan, 7th Edition by James Sample Kerr_ICOMOS